Benefits of Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga has many benefits, regardless of your age. When you’re first starting to do
yoga, it’s smart to start slow, and then as your body gets used to it, you can perform more complicated and advanced
Some of the benefits of yoga include;
- It increases bone density and health
- Increases blood flow
- Boosts heart rate
- Lowers blood sugar
- Improves balance
- Calms nervous system
- Promotes better sleep
- Improves breathing and digestion
10 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Increase Longevity
Halasana is very beneficial for anxiety and also helps with weight loss, metabolism, digestion, stress, and more.
How to;
- With arms by your sides, lie on your back and keep your palms facing upwards.
- Inhale deeply and lift your legs in a right angle with your body.
- Move your feet behind your head and place them gently above.
- Your back should be at a 90-degree angle.
- Keep this position for 1 minute and then slowly release while breathing out.
Salamba Sarvangasana
10 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Increase Healthspan10 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Increase Healthspan
This pose helps to calm your brain, relieving stress, stretching shoulders, and neck.
How to;
- Lie down on your back with your arms on your sides.
- Raise your legs, back, and hips at the same time with the support of your elbows and shoulders.
- Keep your elbows close to each other and keep your spine and legs straight.
- Take deep breaths and maintain your position for 1 minute.
- Lower your knees to get out of the position slowly.
Virabhadrasana 2
This pose is great for stretching ankles, legs, groins, shoulders, and chest. It can also boost stamina.
How to;
- Stand up straight with your feet apart from each other.
- Turn your left foot inwards and your right foot outwards by 90 degrees.
- Raise your arms on the same level as your shoulders, keep your palms facing up
- Breathe in and out while bending your right knee.
- Gently turn your head to the right. Push your pelvis down gently and stretch your arms.
- Keep breathing and stay in this position for 1 minute.
- Inhale as coming out of the pose and exhale while dropping your arms.
- Repeat the same pose on your left side.
Utkatasana pose is beneficial for stretching the chest, spine, and hips.
How to;
- Stand up straight with your feet apart from each other.
- Rake your arms ahead with your palms facing down.
- Gently bend your knees as if you’re sitting on a chair.
- Take a comfortable position and keep your spine stretched.
- Stay in this pose for 1 minute and then release gently.
Vrksasana pose is beneficial for muscular coordination and relaxing hip joints.
How to;
- Stand up straight with your arms on your sides.
- Place your right foot on the inside of your left thigh while keeping your left leg straight.
- Take a deep breath and raise your hands above your head, joining them in “Namaste.”
- Keep breathing and maintain your pose for 1 minute.
- Gently get out of the position and repeat with your other leg.
Viparita Karani
This pose can help reduce anxiety, depression, insomnia, menopausal symptoms, and more.
How to;
- Fold a blanket and keep it against the wall and place your right hip on the wall and your knees are touching your chest.
- Switch your weight, so your back and your shoulders are on the floor, stretch your legs up on the wall with your hip bones touching the wall.
- Rest your chest and your head on the floor. Relax all your muscles.
- Keep this pose for 15 minutes and focus on your breathing.
Reverse Arm-Hold
This pose is good for posture, reducing stress and breathing.
How to;
- Inhale and stretch your arms to your sides with your palms facing down.
- Exhale as you roll both of your shoulders forward slightly. Face your palms behind you and bend your elbows to wing your hands on your back.
- Bring your hands together and gently pull your hands away without letting go of your hand.
- Repeat this exercise 5 times while breathing deeply.
This exercise is good for engaging your core, fixing posture, and focusing on breathing.
How to:
- Take a deep breath and sit up straight.
- Root down in your chair with your hip bones while exhaling.
- Keep your legs at a 90-degree angle.
- Take a deep breath and as you exhale, roll your shoulders and pull your belly in towards your spine. Relax your arms on your sides.
- Engage your legs by lifting toes and pressing your feet into the ground.
Parivrtta Sukhasana
This pose is good for digestion, reducing back pain and blood circulation.
How to;
- Inhale as you stretch your spine and raise your arms out to the sides and up.
- Exhale as you gently turn to your right with your upper body and lower your arms. Rest your right hand on the top of your chair and help yourself stretch slightly.
- After staying in this position for 5 deep breaths, return to your original position and repeat on the left side.
Garudasana Arms
This pose stabilizes and flexes your shoulder joints and relaxes your upper back and shoulders.
How to;
- Take a breath, and while you inhale, stretch out your arms horizontally to your sides.
- As you exhale, bring them in front of you, swinging your right arm under your left and grabbing your shoulders with the opposite hands, hugging yourself.
- Release your grip if you have more flexibility in your shoulders, and carry on wrapping your forearms around each other until your right fingers lay in your left palm.
- Inhaling, lift your elbows a few inches higher.
- Roll your shoulders down while exhaling and relax them away from your ears.
- Take some breaths, repeating the shoulder roll and elbow lift.
With the exercises provided in this article, you can now try some gentle yoga exercises at home. We kindly recommend our readers to start slow in order to avoid any possible injuries.
Share your ‘gentle yoga’ thoughts with us in the comments section! Which exercises are your favorite?
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