How Peptides Can Increase Energy Levels And Help People Focus

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Peptides are some of the best-kept secrets in keeping your energy levels high, but how do they work? Discover what science has to say about them below.

RELATED: Peptides For Fat Loss And Muscle Building

In this article:

  1. What Are Peptides?
  2. How Peptides Increase Energy Levels

Learn How to Increase Energy Levels with Peptides

What Are Peptides?

To understand how peptides raise energy levels, it’s essential to know what they are. LIV Health already discussed the subject extensively.

Some parts are worth repeating:

  • Peptides are a chain of amino acids, and these acids are the building blocks of protein.
  • This chain of amino acids can be as short as two and as many as 40 or 60. The longer they are, the more likely they are already classified as small proteins than peptides.
  • There are hundreds of different kinds of peptides in the body. Some of them may still be unknown to scientists.

Are peptides hormones? The answer can be both yes and no.

Some hormones are peptides since they comprise of amino acids. Examples include:

  • Growth hormone
  • Insulin, which the pancreas produces to deliver glucose or blood sugar to cells
  • Oxytocin or the “cuddle hormone”
  • Parathyroid hormone, which regulates phosphorus and calcium in the blood

There are also hormones that are not peptides. It could be because they have a component that is not an amino acid.

The different substances in the body, though, tend to interact with one another. It’s possible for some of these peptide hormones to influence or affect non-peptide ones.

Peptides are also signaling molecules. It means they can influence the way other cells in the body works.

This explains why these chains of amino acids can be one of the natural ways to boost energy levels.

How Peptides Increase Energy Levels

You may ask, “How can peptides encourage a higher energy level?” The truth is there’s no single method to explain the answer.

After all, there’s a multitude of peptides in the body, with different functions and effects. We can focus on some important ones:

1. They Can Promote a Leaner Body

Some of the earliest people to use peptides were athletes, especially bodybuilders. They used to inject growth hormones (GH), which the brain produces through the pituitary gland.

The body produces GH, although it isn’t in large doses. It also fluctuates at different times of the day, although the production is higher during sleep.

It may also change as you age. For example, your body creates more GH when you’re at puberty and then the production declines when you’re around 50 years old.

GH can boost energy levels in many ways, such as through fat oxidation and increased glucose. All these can contribute to a lower risk of obesity.

What is fat oxidation? It is the breaking down of fatty acids so the body can use them as fuel.

Obesity, meanwhile, may be linked to chronic fatigue and sleepiness, according to a 2006 study. The reasons may include the following:

  • More fat and higher weight can make the body feel sluggish and heavy.
  • Obesity can increase the production of inflammatory markers like cytokines. A 2018 research cited how low-grade chronic inflammation may result in persistent fatigue.

2. They Can Boost Energy Levels During Sex

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Peptides can help with sexual appetite.

For many, aging means decreased energy levels for many things. These include libido or sexual energy.

The reasons can vary from hormone imbalance to erectile dysfunction. Lower sexual energy may also be associated with decreased physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

These factors can be dangerous, especially for older people. Not only does it raise the risk of obesity, but it also increases the odds of heart disease and diabetes.

Interestingly, peptides like PT-141 may increase or sustain your sexual power even during a later age. They help regulate the production of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a vasodilator. It expands your blood vessels, which allows blood to circulate properly.

This blood carries the much-needed oxygen that further creates an energy boost. For those who want to have sex, it means peptides can increase the blood flow toward the penis to maintain erection and penetration.

RELATED: Peptide VS Protein: How Do They Differ?

3. Peptides May Contribute Toward Better Longevity

What’s the picture of health and well-being? It’s not an old person struggling with memory loss or immobility.

It is an individual, perhaps in their fifties, who can still exercise, pursue their hobbies, and get a good night’s sleep.

There are a number of techniques to promote quality of life, and these may include peptides. This is because of their role in:

  • Gene expression
  • Autophagy

Gene expression refers to the process of converting DNA into a functional product such as protein. This product then helps determine the functions of the cell.

As signal molecules, a 2016 study in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine revealed that short peptides could regulate different cellular levels, such as genetic.

In some cases, these peptides can embed themselves into the DNA chain. This makes the likes of Epitalon one of the best peptides for energy.

By being part of the DNA chain, they can expand gene expression. This process is a hallmark for aging, according to a 2018 research.

Epitalon is an activator of telomerase, which is a protein complex that regulates telomeres. Telomeres are the ends or the caps of the chromosomes, and they help reduce the effects of cellular damage.

A 2008 study mentioned that by regulating telomerase, your body may repair uncapped telomeres.

Another way in which peptides increase energy levels is through autophagy. It is the body’s mechanism of cleaning worn-out and damaged cells to help regenerate newer and healthier ones.

4. They Can Increase Mitochondrial Count

The mitochondrion is the cell’s powerhouse for a reason. It can absorb oxygen and use it to convert food into energy the cells can use—a process called energy metabolism.

A cell can contain many mitochondria. The problem is senescence, which is biological aging.

Senescent or aging cells end up producing more reactive oxygen species (ROS). When they outnumber the antioxidants, the cells can become damaged, deteriorate, and die.

Peptides, meanwhile, may help decrease the effects of senescence by increasing the mitochondrial count. It means the cells can still derive energy, which translates to less fatigue and even fewer chronic diseases.

5. Peptides Increase Energy Levels By Healing the Body

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Peptides can help re-energize your body if you’re always feeling exhausted.

You know that something is wrong with your body or that you’re ill through the difference in your energy levels. When you’re sick, you are less capable of completing a physical activity or exercise.

You may struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. You may also deal with daytime sleepiness, sluggish feeling, and fatigue.

To improve your energy, therefore, you may want to encourage healing. Peptides can help in this area.

For example, growth hormones can promote healing of wounds, according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Burns and Wounds. Synthetic peptides such as BPC-157 also enhance the body’s regenerative potential.

6. They May Increase Focus and Preserve Cognition

The science behind peptides as cognitive enhancers is still young. Initial studies such as the 2018 research in Neuroscience mentioned how certain short proteins could decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Using a rat model, the researchers found that they may stop the interaction of two types of proteins called PDZ and PTEN when exposed to amyloid-beta. It refers to sticky proteins that can be toxic to the brain.

A 2019 research in Frontiers mentioned how whey peptides could improve cognitive performance in healthy older adults. It influences the frontal cortex of the brain responsible for memory, language, and decision-making.

The use of peptides to boost your energy levels is still under investigation. The results, so far, have been promising.

For now, you can enjoy a higher energy level by understanding how your body works more deeply. Teams like LIV Health can guide you through this process.

What do you do to increase your energy levels? Share your tips in the comments section below!

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